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We Are the Conductors of our Symphony


We are the conductors of our own symphony called life. If we don’t step up in our roll as conductor and we let the individual parts of the “orchestra" decide on their own what they want to “play”, we will lose control of the cohesive sound and the chance of there being chaos will increase.

If we consciously “lead” the parts and "conduct” the movements & flow, we will end up with the beautiful symphony we originally set out to create.


Each test you give me, is also a test for you. If I don’t pass the tests life throws my way, if I mis-step or make wrong choices, do you still love me unconditionally as you promised me you would? When I make a mistake, do you still hold me in my highest light, knowing that my earthly choices may sometimes be flawed? Do you remember at all times that our connection is never flawed, that it just falsely appears that way because of the darkness being cast into our minds blocking us from seeing it in it’s true light.

When we promise to love each other unconditionally, we promise forgiveness for the mistakes we make and the things we do out of not understanding the truth. Sometimes we aren’t healed inside and we need to help each other find a way to live and act from love. Only love can heal us.

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