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Mother Gaia New Moon Transmission

I Mother Gaia, am ascending. Those that are ready for ascension will feel the positive effects, but those that don’t ascend with me will have to continue with their spiritual work will catch up later. I can’t wait for the light workers that want to lag behind, not doing their share of the light work.

This is not a game, this is serious, I mother Gaia am ascending to a higher vibration. I Mother Gaia, am ascending whether other light workers want to ascend with me or not. The Divine can no longer wait, 'ascension is NOW, RIGHT NOW!!’

We are no longer in the same paradigm anymore, those that do not want to live from the heart and heart center will be left behind.

The ego is slowly dissolving away. I mother Gaia am a loving source, but I am no longer staying in a low vibration anymore. I have suffered enough from dark energies and some humans. I am letting go of everything that does not serve me.

I, Mother Gaia, am unconditional love, but I am also ascending higher and can no longer wait for others that don’t want to ascend. We are in a brand new energetic portal. Love is what matters, the heart knows. I am mother Gaia.

*Art & Layout by Andrea

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