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Co-Creating Vast Unification of True Twin Flame Energies

“I, Lord Melchizedek, say it’s time for the mighty Elohim to descend on planet Earth and assist twin flames that are ready to go into union. This is a special and delicate time for twin flame unions, help is needed now to deter dark energies from controlling the masses. Chem trails have been trying to put toxins into many twin flames proximity to polute their energy bodies, but I Lord Melchizedek say, 'the dark energies will NOT win!' The dark energies will NOT touch the highly advanced twin flames from coming into union. Love and light has more power than any darkness and it is time for Divine Males to stand in their power, and some are beginning to, but they are going to need divine assistance of extremely powerful light beings, ascended masters, (like myself), Archangels, and so on.

I will close with these words; This is very serious concerning advanced twin flames needing to go into union at this precise time. the planet needs the twin flames energies of light and love to progress the ascension process of Mother Earth. We are all co-creating this vast unification of True Twin Flame energies for the highest and greatest good of all. - Lord Melchizedek"

Angela also got a message regarding Divine Male collective sexual templates, it said “Great mass awakening taking place within the Divine Males. Massive Divine Masculine new sexual templates, spontaneous and simultaneous ancient kundalini, primal sacred sexual energy heating up and oscillating faster and faster..."

A note from Andrea; *please use your resources, ask ascended masters to assist you whenever you are in need, keep your vibrations raised... the Earth needs you now! Peace and Love Forever!"

*art & layout by Andrea

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