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Twin Flame Collective Message from Serapis Bey

This morning just before waking I see the image I recognize as Serapis Bey, then he shows me an image of an oracle card with an upright snake on it, then he shows me another card that has the Ace of Diamonds... then he shows me a Rumi card and I get the message he wants Angela to channel him pulling a Rumi card for this reading for the Twin Flame Collective.

So I looked up various cards with similar Snake images on them, but this is the one that I intuitively see he wants for the message... because I got that it is a message of strength in regards to it being for the Twin Flame collective, rather than a warning like some of them display.

You can read the description here he chose for this from.

I also saw the Ace of Diamonds, he has shown this card before for the twin flame collective, but I will recap the intention for this card being chosen.

"Ace of Diamonds♦ people are curious, independent and outgoing. They often think highly of themselves as do-gooders in the world and can live up to that expectation if they don’t become too engrossed in themselves. Their life lesson is to learn their self-worth as separate from their financial status or achievements.... they often have restlessness regarding relationship norms and constructs, the Ace of Diamonds♦person is likely to again focus on what they want from life without limiting their options. They may begin a relationship with great enthusiasm and be just as enthusiastically pulled in another direction. Finding a way to keep their emotions steady can be a lifelong journey for the Ace of Diamonds♦.” -

“...also can indicate a new beginning, fresh start, new phase of life, something brand new. A ring, an engagement, life force, fire."

I also access some bits of information for tarot meanings from and get my images of the internet.

I also saw the date 09-30-17 and the words “UNION FOR SOME” after it... I was too sleepy to get the rest of the message after that, but I wanted to share with everyone this Twin Flame collective message from Serapis Bey. He wants to encourage everyone to hang in there and stay strong in your own true authenticity.

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