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Saturday Jan 21, 2017 channeled message

This morning my dream / waking state was filled with jumbled images & activity, but I saw Serapis Bey’s face, then I saw several images. I saw an Eagle and an Egyptian Eye symbol & then saw that symbol on the head of Horus and heard “Go down to the Eagle within” (or something to that effect), then saw a cross on a necklace which after looking at the classic images of Horus, I realized was the Ankh he is holding in some of those images. After this I immediately saw an image of what I thought was Christ holding that cross. I also saw 3 triangles stacked vertically, they were outlined in Gold & the top and bottom triangle were pointing up the one in the middle pointing down & then I saw golden chalices and got the message "3 of cups"... then saw the 1 of diamonds card. I may have had some other visions, but these were the main images I could recall... I tried to write them down but was so tired my writing was quite cryptic after I woke up completely (hah).

I don’t have much knowledge previously of Egyptian images, or meanings, but when I looked up the eye, I found it is called the “Eye of Horus”... here is one description I found which really resonated with me.

"The EYE OF HORUS has a very specific meaning. The eye is represented as a figure with 6 parts. These 6 parts correspond to the six senses - Touch, Taste, Hearing, Thought, Sight, Smell. These are the 6 parts of the *eye*. The eye is the receptor of *input*. It has these six doors, to receive data.” My intuition tells me it’s also a sign to trust your intuition, an advancement of the opening of the 3rd eye to the knowing of the universal concepts and connections.

When I looked up 3 of cups and 1 of Diamond... here’s what I came up with.

The Three of Cups is representative of friendships and collegiate, harmonious relationships. It is a time when you are open to helping others, which in turn means that others are open to helping you. It is about spending quality time with your loved ones and your friends. You may find that by turning to your friends, you receive the love, support and compassion you need right now. (when I read this I got major all over body chills).

The Three of Cups heralds a very sociable period. You will find a harmonious balance between meeting your commitments and spending quality time with friends and family. For the moment, even though life’s problems go on, you can take time out to forget about the hassles of the everyday world and enjoy the company of your friends and loved ones. Such respites are often needed before and after periods of high stress, to stop you from getting burned out emotionally or physically.

More broadly, the Three of Cups indicates the end or conclusion of any problems you have been experiencing, particularly those that relate to your interactions with others. A compromise will be found which will serve all the interests of those involved and will allow for a more harmonious environment.

The Three of Cups is also a very creative card, suggesting that you may pursue a creative outlet within a group environment, such as an art class or a dance class. This is a great way to connect with others and to access your creative abilities.

The main problem with looking up 1 of Diamonds is that there is no one of Diamonds... when I tried to uncover what this could mean I found that Diamonds correspond to the element of earth, and generally signify career, and money issues. Does this mean we are working through uncharted territory in this arena that doesn’t exist yet, that we are paving the way for new beginnings for us spiritually in the money, career and Earth experience? Many card readers have been saying that this will be the new case with “new Earth” as the 5th dimensional way of living comes into vibration as our new truth.

Perhaps the one of Diamonds is actually meant to be the Ace of Diamonds... when I say this I see a green check mark and a thumbs up in my mind, so I will go with this as my new answer... haha, this is how it is.

So when I looked it up it says; "Ace of Diamonds♦ people are curious, independent and outgoing. They often think highly of themselves as do-gooders in the world and can live up to that expectation if they don’t become too engrossed in themselves. Their life lesson is to learn their self-worth as separate from their financial status or achievements.... restlessness regarding relationship norms and constructs, the Ace of Diamonds♦person is likely to again focus on what they want from life without limiting their options. They may begin a relationship with great enthusiasm and be just as enthusiastically pulled in another direction. Finding a way to keep their emotions steady can be a lifelong journey for the Ace of Diamonds♦.” -

“...New beginning, fresh start, new phase of life, something brand new. A ring, an engagement, life force, fire."

I also access some bits of information for tarot meanings from and get my images of the internet.

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