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Transmission from Mother Gaia

Angela got a transmission this morning from Mother Earth...

“I Mother Gaia say, as you know things are upside down in the Earth right now, and I need twin flames to come into 3d union. The energetic make up of all the dark energies are influencing the twin flame collective, and thereby energetically interfering with the 3d physical reunions of the twin flames. The dark energies do not want twin flame 3d unions to take place because they want to control the masses. I am here to assist Twin Flames energetically by magnetizing them together on the Earth plane. Twin Flames are needed badly right now, the time for mission & reunion is now. The dark energies don’t want to see mass true twin flames come into 3d union because it would literally *BLAST* them off the planet, so to speak, with all the light and love radiating from Twin Flames coming together in harmonic resonance. I, Mother Gaia, am here and assisting twin flame 3d unions, but I need assistance from the Twin Flame collective as well. The dark energies are constantly trying to interfere with my ascension and I need the true twin flames to regularly send love and healing to me. I am Mother Gaia, and I love all my children!"

After I typed this for Angela, I felt compelled to remind everyone, that the dark energies can only affect/“attack” you when your vibration matches theirs, then you are in their fields of awareness & they usually hang out in lower vibrational frequencies. Keep your vibrations up through prayer, clearing yourself of negativity however you do that, and ask your higher ascended guides to raise your vibration as high as possible when you feel yourself stuck in ego thinking or hateful or self sabotaging thought processes. Check out my energy clearing video if you need to listen to something to help you... I set an intention when I did it that it will help anyone that listens to it throughout all history, space, time and dimensions.

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