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Twin Flames: Nuttier Than The Day Before

myself when I figure out this kind of psychological analysis of human behavior in others, but I was a bit taken back when my own twin flame pointed out my deflecting of my inner child wounding that was keeping me from loving myself more completely. I immediately found myself tense up and feel resistant to listening to my twin flame point out that I was avoiding healing and not loving myself... and that is ALWAYS a sign that there is something for me to work on. It was also pointed out to me that the way I was acting when I was triggered is not appropriate for someone my age, which was something my twin flame told me he had been wanting to say for a long time. I have to admit I did not enjoy hearing my twin flame basically tell me I am immature and inappropriate & the fire Goddess in me got activated, but then I had to tell him honestly that the couple of times he was speaking about where all times I was under attack with darkness and in need of help & was not the way I normally respond or act towards others. It did show me however, that my twin has certain ideas about what is appropriate and inappropriate when it comes to other people & I felt that by him thinking he was pointing out something to me that I need to work on, he was showing himself something that he needs to break free from. Most of the people by now, probably get the fact that I am fairly straight forward & say what I think most of the time, as long as I feel it is beneficial or helpful to someone by me saying it

I watch a lot of videos... Many, many spiritual and twin flame related videos. I would estimate that I watch a few videos every day at least, and I also watch/listen to solfeggio or binaural beats “music” in the background while at work or at home when doing other things. Sometimes I watch repeats of the videos I’ve watched previously, to see if I can get more out of them by watching them again. I have basically replaced watching any mindless television, or listening to mindless music with attempting to watch things to help enhance my spiritual growth, or to ease my freaky twin flame mind. Though I still watch things like BBC mini series on netflix on the weekends, or some similar thing and I still listen to some popular music on the radio, like my favorite old school hip hop on one of my local stations... and I really have fun and enjoy it. I also occasionally end up watching some of the more mindless youtube videos about gaming or young people ranting on about their lives and insecurities... I find it entertaining and also feel it's my duty to keep up with what is influencing my daughter’s mind and it tends to help me feel grounded to be honest.

~So, I started this blog, then I forgot what I was writing about, haha... then suddenly something funny/mildly interesting happened in my world that goes along with the nuts theme, so I thought I would try to segue into the new subject and finish my blog with it.

I’m thinking of the subject of Twin Flames going nuts on their spiritual journey. Okay, to be fair, it’s not just twin flames that are nuts or are "going nuts” (I know that’s a mostly American saying, sorry if it means something else less innocent in other countries, haha). Everyone I know has at one time or another fit the category of acting like they are going a little cray cray in some way, whether they are freaked out about someone pulling in front of them without signaling, or thinking the government is plotting their demise, or upset about who got elected President, or unhappy at the customer service representative that didn’t satisfy their request, or freaked out about, blah, blah... (fill in the blank)... we all go a little nuts sometimes and act like giant jerks publicly, and in many of the cases there is some form of emotional abuse perpetrated by us onto other people.On the Twin Flame journey we call this state of cray cray “being triggered”. There are certain spiritual thinkings about how to handle “being triggered”... but the most agreed upon one seems be to look at being triggered emotionally as a sign that something inside you needs to be looked at and healed, or is out of balance. Of course we all have free will and can opt to just ignore spiritual advice and continue to be oblivious to our own problems and treat other people in a bad way and blame them for our own problems or beat ourselves up continuously and feel like victims, or get in fights with others. My brother quite often has told me “F those other people” as a response to debates we have on whether or not we should treat others as we wish to be treated. I began thinking on the idea that we should just tell other people to just kiss off if we are mad or don’t feel like changing our own ways, or looking at our own unbalanced aspects of our personalities. This morning I thought, what is it we think “other” people are? What is it we think we are telling them to do when we tell them to kiss off or just just blast them & walk away and decide not to talk to that person again unless they admit we were right and they were wrong?I often suggested to my brother or my ex partner that they were deflecting attention off of their wound that needs attention or healing when they do such a thing. I think as humans were are all quite skilled at deflecting attentions to other places when we don’t want to deal with certain subjects, emotions, or events in life. You know I am so proud of myself when I figure out this kind of psychological analysis of human behavior in others, but I was a bit taken back when my own twin flame pointed out my deflecting of my inner child wounding that was keeping me from loving myself more completely. I immediately found myself tense up and feel resistant to listening to my twin flame point out that I was avoiding healing and not loving myself... and that is ALWAYS a sign that there is something for me to work on. It was also pointed out to me that the way I was acting when I was triggered is not appropriate for someone my age, which was something my twin flame told me he had been wanting to say for a long time. I have to admit I did not enjoy hearing my twin flame basically tell me I am immature and inappropriate & the fire Goddess in me got activated, but then I had to tell him honestly that the couple of times he was speaking about where all times I was under attack with darkness and in need of help & was not the way I normally respond or act towards others. It did show me however, that my twin has certain ideas about what is appropriate and inappropriate when it comes to other people & I felt that by him thinking he was pointing out something to me that I need to work on, he was showing himself something that he needs to break free from. Most of the people by now, probably get the fact that I am fairly straight forward & say what I think most of the time, as long as I feel it is beneficial or helpful to someone by me saying it.

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