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Channeled Message from Vywamus

Channeled Message by {Psychic Medium} Angela C Troutt

Vywamus-Channeled -12- 10-16@7:44pm EST

I, Vywamus, say Greetings to all creatures here and below. All things are accelerating NOW more than ever. True twin flames must unite in unity, for the dark forces are amping-up their fear tactics, cloaking themselves as true twin flame ambassadors. Some true twin flames don't even know they are being used by the dark forces. The dark forces play on those that have serious ego issues, those not willing to look at themselves and face their own deep darkness.

The twin flame journey is not about judging other true twin flames, it's about the mission, and being of service to the world. The Twin Flame journey is about unconditional love, forgiveness, and selflessness. Those few that are at the top level are advanced souls, many of which are in their last incarnation. True Twin Flames are here to work together as a collective, it's not about who is dark, who is a "wolf", who is a defiant being, it's being the love you came here to be.

True Twin Flames are full of love, operating in compassion. If you're busy doing your own twin flame work, you won't have time to point fingers, because the twin flame journey is a 24 hour a day process, it doesn't stop, for there is always something to heal. Layer after layer, releasing, clearing, on a daily basis, shielding against dark energies, prayer, and meditation are all part of the twin flame process.

If your doing your own twin flame journey, there is no time to be pointing the finger, saying this one is that, this one is this. The fact is, all true twin flames have multiple layers to clear, to heal, to release. All twin flames will be attacked by dark forces because if you're in the light, the dark doesn't want your twin flame journey to succeed.

Those scandalizing other twin flames are not doing or acting in the light. In truth, they are supposed to be working together, as a whole, to anchor God's unconditional love and light, to raise the vibration of the planet earth.

I will close with these words, look deep inside yourself and ask yourself "Why am I finding fault with other twin flames?"

"Why am I tyring to control and manipulate others?"

This is not the true behavior of a true twin flame, we need to examine our own lives, get alone with God and repent, clear your dark entities with your divine guidance, then heal yourself. You cannot lead others until you are whole and healed, or at least focused on yourself healing and releasing all bad karma that you keep creating in this life time. You must let jealousy and envy go. Your heart needs to heal so you can be of service to others. The focus is not 'what this twin flame is doing, or that twin flame is involved in’, it is about doing the inner work on yourself. If you're doing your own inner work, you don't have time to meddle in other twin flame's journeys.

So meditate, go within, look deep inside yourself, and say "Why am I acting like this?" You may have inner child issues, ancestral curses and so forth. But I, Vywamus, will close with these words, bottom line; it is about LOVE, learning to love yourself unconditionally, and becoming the best version of yourself you can be, so you can serve others more fully,-- Vywamus

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