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Channeled messages from Archangel Chamuel & Charity

Channeled Archangel Messages by Psychic Angela C Troutt

December 29, 2016

#TwinSistersNetwork Andrea & Angela

AAChamuel & Charity

I AAChamuel & Charity, we come to you today ,to bring hope within the twin flame collective. There are many amazing things about to take place, as well as many dark attacks, from the dark energies, attempting to try and prevent twin flames from coming into 3-D union.Please know that we angels are always available to assist you in any way, we can, but you must allow us to assist you, because of free will. I AAChamuel, say, I am working overtime for twin flame 3-D unions, for there is a very serious important, need for twin flames to come into 3-D unions.Mother Earth, is sending out SOS signals, into the Universe for assistance in bringing twin flames into 3-D union, because the twin flames bring things into balance, and that helps Mother Earth come into balance as well. I AAChamuel, say, continue in HOPE, FAITH, AND CHARITY, LOVE. Be encouraged, I AAChamuel, & Charity say, good bye with unconditional love we are with you in your heart.I Charity, say, to the feminine energy be patient with your divine male counterpart, he is working very hard to purge all the old stuff out, so he can be more available to you, all is as it should be, be in hope...Charity

AAMichael &Faith

I AAMichael & Faith, greet you with a mystical love of twin flames, which are all connected to God the Father, and all that is. Be encouraged for all things are beginnning to manifest, even though it may not look like it, in this moment. I AAMichael & Faith, are protecting all twin flames, especially those desiring 3-D union.I AAMichael, want to say, please do call on my help, I am here to serve you. I Faith, the divine counterpart, of AAMichael, say to the feminine energy, hang in there! Don't Stop Believing, you can achieve your desire, believe in hope, and love for you are love at the core...Charity


I am the manifesting Archangel , I am here on assignment to help those twin flames that are ready to come into 3-D union.Many of you, probably never heard of me, but luckily Psychic Medium Angela, has discovered me, and I am working with her once again, because Heaven has beckoned me to assist those twin flames, because of all the dark energies, trying to hinder, or prevent 3-D union, I am here and ready to take action on behalf of every twin flame couple...Thank You The Manifesting Archangel...AANathaniel

References to AANathaniel,,, maybe this will help anyone that hasn't heard of AANathaniel Angel of Fire

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