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Diamond Download of Abundance and Prosperity for the new year

“Download coming in” - 2 golden strands intertwined, a feeling of graceful, smooth movement... coming down like an angelic feeling.

Right down the middle of the golden strands, there are various colored diamonds coming down towards the earth... embeded within each diamond there are dollar signs.

Angela and Andrea are receiving these downloads....

An Angel on each side of the Earth... they are each simultaneously pouring more diamonds into the golden strand into the Earth. Mother Earth has a 3rd eye, in the center, feeling the sense that the eye has been closed and dormant since ancient times & there are diamonds in the pupil... the diamonds are coming down into the 3rd eye of mother Earth.

Ascended master with a white robe (possibly Enoch), descending down behind the golden strands. The Robe has a golden colored collar that comes around to the front.

On the right of Enoch is Archangel Zadkiel and St. Germain is beside him. Archangel Zadkiel & St. Germain have a pitcher and are pouring something resembling plasma that contains diamonds and Roses, down into the Earth. The Transmission download is going through mother Earth and going down and back up into the strands.

On the left side of Enoch is Lord Melchizedek and another glowing being, Vywamus.

Lord Melchizedek says “I am assisting Mother Earth and the Twin Flame collective consciousness and twin flame advanced souls, Angela, Andrea and their twin flames, assisting in the beautiful diamond activation and mother Earth is receiving it simultaneously..." Also there is a mercury retrograde that many view as negative, but it will help assist to purge what is not needed to take into 2017. 2017 will be the year of abundance, prosperity, people waking up to their true selves, coming into their missions, their destiny and the releasing of fear so that they can step into their own power in self acceptance, self confidence, self compassion, self love, and appreciation of their own souls just as they are.

These activations are helping to begin the transitions and transmissions, that are coming in at this time because it needs to be received now before the year end.

There are many still sleeping twins that are about to experience a mass awakening simultaneously, which when this happens will cause a ripple effect. The mass awakening will cause a huge light transmission affecting the twin flame collective consciousness as a whole. This will cause mother Earth to ascend to another level. Angela and Andrea and their twin flames, because they are so advanced, this will take them to another level in 5d that they’ve never experienced before, positive and not negative. Angela and Andrea and their twin flames are part of an elite force of Twin Flames, that have been prepared for this for Eons. They are working together with all their multidimensional selves simultaneously... as well as the 3d dimension and have been assigned specific ascended masters to assist, and I, Lord Melchizedek, am one of them, and another one of them is Christ. In the bible it says that Christ is the Light of the world, literally.

Another one that I work with is Vywamus... Both of your twin flames, have been working very hard to release and purge. They have also been doing 5d energy work that you are not aware of yet. They’ve been doing it by themselves and because of their love and devotion to you, they desire 3d union. The work that their doing in 5d is accelerating things on the Earth. Angela and Andrea and their twin flames are an elite force that volunteered to assist humanity in ascension. By saying elite, that doesn’t mean arrogance, it means you have come to a spiritual level that expresses how much work you and your twins have put in over the eons to bring you to where you are now.

Angela and Andrea and your twin flames have been uniquely gifted to work together for the twin flame collective consciousness at this time.

I, Lord Melchizedek, want to thank you Andrea for lighting up the universe and the Earth with your energy work in 5d... What you are doing is affecting twin flames that are awake and asleep as well. We ascended masters appreciate people who acknowledge us because we are real, as you say on Earth "you can’t make this up.” The download that is still going on at this moment is activating abundant light codes and prosperity light codes that have been dormant until now as the year of manifestation is upon you in 2017. Part of the reward for all the purging of this year will bring about instant manifestation of the desired 3d unions. Many of the twins who hold the male energy have been accelerated as well as their purging to prepare them for 3d union.

We acknowledge that the feminine energy has been overwhelmed at times with all the work she is doing on the Earth. What the feminine energy does not realize is that their twin flame has been doing work in 5d that the female energy is not aware of. The female energy in 3d feels that they are doing most of the work, but the male energy has been doing most of the major work in the 5d simultaneously while the female energy is doing their major work in 3d. Actually, you are simultaneously balancing each others energy in 5d and 3d, so therefore, even though the female energy feels like she’s doing the majority of the work and not seeing the manifestation of the work as of yet.

The male energy has been working just as hard at the same time in the 5d, bringing about perfect alignment, perfect balance, so that the twin flames that are ready can reunite. With balance, male and female energy is harmonized within both twins and the unions as well. I Lord Melchizedek, realize that I have been a little wordy, but this information will not be given to all the twin flames... this channeling has been given to you, because you will have clients out the yahzoo. As you know Archangel Michael will be directing specific people for you to work with and he is instrumental in connecting you and Andrea, which you already know. I thank you Andrea.

Metatron is coming to the forefront at this time in 5d and 3d to balance and repair simultaneously twin flame chakras as well as Mother Earth’s chakras. This is happening even now during this transmission. This is something that us ascended masters and light beings have wanted to see take place. For centuries the dark ones have done everything in their power to try and prevent this awakening, a truth and not illusion. The dark ones have been projecting false energies, false thoughts, memories, fear and doubt... but now, because of all the light work that’s being done from the 5d and 3d it is causing light to expand and expand... bringing about a mass heart expansion within the twin flame collective consciousness. Mother Earth is expanding her light as well because of this work that’s being done. I Lord Melchizedek, realize this is a lot of information to transmit to you, but it’s necessary for this information to be known at this time, so that dark energies cannot dilute the truth. As the light grows and expands and expands it exposes the dark energies for who they really are.

I will close for now, before I overwhelm you, with these words of grace and unconditional love to all. May whoever that reads this get a light transmission and upgrades, even if they are not aware of it happening. And we the ascended masters, light beings and the angels, assisting mother Earth and the twin flame collective consciousness want to congratulate you for assisting us as well... We are one through unconditional Love. We Ascended masters and angels want to say and all other beings who are in light, we want to say to you that “We Love you and we are with you wether you realize it or not.”

Until the next time, I Lord Melchizedek, say “Don’t stop believing, for we are with you in every moment, even when you are attacked by dark energies, we are with you”.

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