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Archangel Gabriel Message Jan 9th, 2017

“We come to you today to say; Love your twin even when they seem unlovable, even when you yourself feel unlovable. Remember that Love doesn’t have walls, only the limits of your own thinking makes you think you are separate from love and cannot obtain it without another person giving it to you. Your twin is someone you will share love with and prove that it can be done without limitations and rules. To others it will seem like you came together with your twin as through magical events, but you will know that you were already together and finally found each other in space and time in the physical 3d world."

-That’s all for today, go in Peace.

Do not sway from your path of peace - Archangel Gabriel

Your card reading for the twin flame collective today, Jan 9th, 2017 is as follows;

3 of pentacles Reversed

The reversed Three of Pentacles can indicate a lack of teamwork, whereby people are acting in competition with each other and trying to appear the most knowledgeable. You may be trying to work collaboratively with others but there is an increasing level of tension as each individual tries to exert power or control over the group, thus negatively impacting the harmony of the people involved. If you rely on the cooperation of others, now may be a good time to break free of your current group or network and join forces with another group. The lack of harmony and teamwork is having a negative impact on your performance and there may be a lack of a common goal. It may be best to just move on at this stage.

Given the upright Three of Pentacles is about good planning and organisation, the reversal of this card can suggest that you are need to bring more of this energy into your work. If you do not have a clear view of how you will accomplish your goals, then it will be beneficial to stop work momentarily and plan out your next steps at a detailed level.

7 of Swords

The Seven of Swords indicates that you may be tempted to sneak away from a particular situation that is not working for you any more, rather than dealing with it head on. As you do not feel ready to deal with the issues, you are aiming for a solution where you can just escape and not have to worry about it all. Are you trying to run away from commitment, responsibility, hard work or love? You may be procrastinating, letting problems slip and become worse because you do not want to deal with them. Sometimes you just have to face what has to be faced. So, the question is, “Is this realistic?” Will this ‘escape’ really accomplish what you want to and need to accomplish? Will it address the fundamental issues at hand here? The likely answer is no, and it may simply be an easy way out for now.

Sometimes, the Seven of Swords indicates a desire to go it alone. You want to discover, investigate and solve every problem using only your own wits and resources. You may believe that you have a better chance at success if you act on your own accord, ignoring the advice or inputs of others. This approach is useful when you need to bypass an ineffectual group or assert your independence but it can also have its limitations. You may end up feeling isolated and excluded, missing that great feeling of collaboration and synergy gained when you work with others. If you feel inclined to act alone, be sure this isolation will really work for you.

9 of Swords

Troubles alluded to in the Nine of Swords are primarily of a psychological nature and do not necessarily indicate suffering in your external reality. That is, it is what is inside your mind that is creating the fear and anxiety, not your actual circumstances. Your experience of the world is greatly influenced by our expectations, desires, and fears, and therefore you are largely the creator of your own world, and your attitudes determine how you experience that world.

The Nine of Swords can also reflect fear of the future, or what may possibly happen in the future. If you allow yourself to be bound by fear of the future, you are at risk of eventually creating a negative reality for yourself by virtue of your expectations. Your “nightmare" becomes your self-fulfilling prophecy, which is clearly not a desirable outcome.

Generally, this card is an indication that you are worrying excessively about a situation. You are literally being kept up at night because you are so anxious about a particular issue. It is possible you are working yourself up unnecessarily and, if you were to look at the situation more objectively, you may come to realise that it is not as bad as you are making it out to be. In fact, all that worry and despair is what is making it worse, so rather than fretting about it, do something to change it.

*Images are taken from the Thoth Tarot Deck ** definitions are taken from

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