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Serapis Bey Reading Jan 11, 2017

This reading is for the Twin Flame collective from Serapis Bey for Jan 11, 2017...

4 of pentacles reversed;

You are extremely defensive and self-protective materially and emotionally, fearful of opening up and trusting other people. You are very reluctant to spend money and you are keeping a very tight rein on your cash. On the flipside, you may be spending too much money and need to get a better hold of your financial resources.

In relationship reading, the Four of Pentacles reversed suggests that you have spent your time recently focused on career-building and material acquisitions, rather than your relationships. This approach to life has been quite successful financially but is very limiting when it comes to connecting authentically with others. You have created a prison for your time and your energy by building up this solid wall of work and financial responsibilities, and will need to release and escape from this to some extent if you want to focus on more personal issues. The important thing to realise is that success in your career is beneficial but only to a point. You may need to examine your life and determine what you can give up, particularly in terms of effort and time put towards work and other similar activities, so that you can have more energy available for developing personal relationships.The Four of Pentacles reversed asks you to loosen your hold on your need for security and stability and step outside your comfort zone. While it will feel a bit shaky at the start, this is an important step in your personal development.

7 of swords reversed;

The Seven of Swords reversed suggests that you need to break free from old habits and ways of thinking in order to overcome the blockages that currently stand in your way. You need to accept what is happening to you and act on it, rather than trying to escape. You need to do things differently, releasing yourself from past behaviours or limiting beliefs so that you can move forward in your life. Do not become trapped into thinking that you can only do certain things with which you are familiar. Expand your consideration set to broader horizons. The Seven of Swords is a card of mental challenges and rites of passage. The reversal of this card shows that you are finding it difficult to take the first step in a new direction. At times it may seem impossible that you could create the types of changes you want as you continually come up against setback after setback. Yet, you know in your soul, that when the timing is right, you will be able to follow through on your dreams, releasing an old pain from your heart.

5 of Pentacles;

If you have suffered a loss, know that there are people around you who are willing to help. There is always a solution and always a way out, so either open your eyes and go to it, or close your eyes and let the inner light guide you.

Are you anxious about never having enough, or do you have faith in your ability to manifest what you need to live a prosperous, fulfilled life no matter what your circumstances? Often wealth is based as much on your psychological state as your actual financial state.

The Five of Pentacles can also point to a time of being alone, feeling abandoned, ignored and unwanted. You may feel you are being excluded from group events or you are being ostracised by others. You may be feeling in desperate need of support and comfort from those who actually care.

Stay the course, and heal yourselves. Thank you for your hard work and faithfulness!

That is all for now.

Serapis Bey channeled reading via Andrea

*Images are taken from the Thoth Tarot Deck ** definitions are taken from

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