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Channeled Reading - Lord Melchizedek to the twin flame collective

3 of pentacles (in relation to ideas about relationships)

You have all of the skills necessary to accomplish your goals in life, thus you have the ability to succeed in all your ventures. You are keen to improve the quality of your life or your work. The message of the Three of Pentacles is one of encouragement. If you continue to work toward the fulfillment of your dreams and do not allow disillusionment to dampen your enthusiasm, ultimately you will experience prosperity and success in your goals. The Three of Pentacles may also suggest that you need help to complete your goals and can draw on the knowledge and experience of others. This also reflects a time when it is essential to create a detailed plan and to follow a schedule. This is when good management of your own emotions & self mastery will pay off.

3 of cups (reversed) - with Ace of cups clarification card (in relation to Union)

The Aces represent new beginnings, early stages of something, new opportunities and most importantly, potential. Potential to create, to manifest, to inspire, to love, to transform, to break through…the very first stages of a journey, something that is ‘meant to be’. Ace of cups represents beginning to feel something trough the emotions... not yet manifested, but there waiting to be manifested through hope & possibility of new starts. Before something can manifest it must first exist as potential.

I struggled with definition to apply to this 3 of cups reversed card reading I was given, because it was said to be "in relation to union"... when I look up many descriptions for 3 of cups reversed some say it may have to do with a 3rd person in the relationship... which could mean there is a 3rd person involved with your divine partner and perhaps that is blocking the union, perhaps a karmic relationship that you or your beloved is involved with that needs to be played out or consciously let go of the contract with that 3rd person before union can manifest. There are also other meanings to 3 of cups reversed by itself can indicate overindulgence in extracurricular activities or even feeling disconnected from people that are close to you.... or feeling a lack of fun, even can represent a breakup of relationship, especially when a 3rd party is involved. The Ace clarification I was presented with right after the 3 of cups reversed suggests to me that there is a new beginning waiting in the wings once the person dealing with this 3rd party connection addresses their emotions and creates a manifestation in the direction towards union... or the divine partner makes a decision to change their current circumstance or lifestyle to create the new beginnings they are hoping for.

6 of wands

Represents success and achievement. This card indicates that you have harnessed your strengths and talents in order to bring about a successful outcome in your endeavours. You have managed to get through the confusion of the Five of Wands, minimising your distractions, focusing on the task at hand. You have overcome the challenges along the way, and now you are focusing your energies on the one goal that will lead to your success. This is your time to shine and to come out on top. Have faith in what you have personally achieved and how this will be received by others. Do not let fear or guilt stand in the way of your success. You ought to feel proud of what you have achieved and not afraid to hold your head up high and feel worthy of others’ attention. You may need to share your success stories with others and encouraging them to follow a similar journey. If empowered by the energy of the Six of Wands, keep in mind how you would feel if someone made you feel inferior or put you down. Reign in your ego and make your victory all the sweeter.

Message from Lord Melchizedek;

I want to say to you all... Don't be so serious, be free, learn to relax, "eat, drink & be merry" (as you say), which is part of the Earth experience. Continue to work on yourselves, for that is your key to true freedom. the best gift you can give to your Divine counterpart is a more healed and happy you.

All is well, don't let your mind trick you into sorrow and gloom. Your heart will give you true messages if you don't let your mind cloud them with overthinking & fear. Hold fast, stay true to your path. You are headed in the right direction if you make decisions out of Love and not fear. The road may seem rocky and long, or narrow, but it is just a road, it's just an Earthly illusion created by dark energies to discourage and distract you.

You are all you need when it comes down to it , because you are already in union with your twin in the upper realms. Remember your breath. Ride the waves of awareness through focusing on your breath. How many times per day do you hold your breath or barely breath? These are all moments of illusion and unawareness that create weakness in your consciousness and allow places where you can be manipulated. Watch your thoughts and keep them of a positive nature so you can manifest positive things. you are strong manifestors, everyone has been telling you this, it's time for you to not only understand this but to actually know this (believe this) about yourselves.

Keep yourselves pure through diet, lifestyle, thoughts, actions, and deeds so that you don't create regrets or more negative thought forms around your lives and Earth. We are here to help you, We love you. Just ask us and give us permission to help & we will.

I will close for now so Andrea can get back to work (haha) Love and blessings to you all.

Lord Melchizedek

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