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Serapis Bey- Channeled reading for the Twin Flame Collective

Serapis Bey -1-13-17...

3 of pentacles (in relation to moving forward)

The message of the Three of Pentacles is one of encouragement. If you continue to work toward the fulfilment of your dreams and do not allow disillusionment to dampen your enthusiasm, ultimately you will experience prosperity and success in your goals. You need to do work that is satisfying to you and that you can be truly proud of. What new beginnings are you experiencing in the material realm? Is there some project or creative venture you have been putting off because of fear of failure? The Three of Pentacles indicates that dreams can be made real with persistence, determination, and effort.

5 of cups (in relation to Union)

The Five of Cups suggests that you are having trouble letting go of the past and learning from your mistakes. This card can often reflect a person who is caught up in the past and unable to move on, missing out on new opportunities. Bitter memories from the past continue to bother you, and often a great deal of the blame for past actions is placed on yourself and your inadequacies. Forgiveness and the ability to recover after emotional loss are necessary. If you are feeling disappointed by another person’s actions, and then find it within your heart to forgive that person, releasing yourself from the disappointment. You may also need to re-assess your expectations that have led you to this disappointment. You must not pity yourself when you find yourself in his situation. Instead of looking at the situation from a ‘glass is half empty’ perspective, look at it from a ‘glass is half full' perspective. Keep doing your inner work to cleanse and purify yourself so you can become a healed and more whole person.

6 of Swords (in relation to life challenges)

in order to move forward, you must leave something important behind, and while you do this with some regret, you know that in the long-term it is the best option for you. There are times when you will be forced to let go of something to which you have been attached, and the process of letting go is often quite challenging. However, the sadness of your loss will soon be replaced by greater clarity, bringing about a renewed acceptance of change. Do not be afraid to let go of whatever it is that is holding you in the present or the past. Instead look to your future and choose the best option that has the greatest long-term potential. There are going to be some hard decisions and some compromises that you will need to make but this is ultimately a ‘rite of passage’ that will take you into a new phase of your life. Do not dwell on the past or what you have left behind. Instead, use this as an opportunity for changing your beliefs about yourself, moving away from whom you used to be and towards whom you really want to be. You may be required to make a longer-term move from one location to another, while you will miss those you leave behind, you will also find that you have an amazing time and will learn so much about yourself.

Message from Serapis Bey about the masculine;

They are happy and are contemplating their next steps towards the feminine.

There's a light shining bright into their minds and hearts, lighting their way to the feminines.

For Everyone;

Hang in there, all will be well... patience is important at this critical time. Compassion is a must when dealing with your divine counterparts. Hope and prayer are really important. Making Decisions from Love will set you free. Build the foundations of your future with the faith in yourself, knowing you deserve all that is good. don't sabotage yourself with fear dear ones. Don't block your own future by buying into all the false belief systems. Ask for help when you need it, be willing to accept the blessings life is trying to send your way.

That is all for now.

Serapis Bey

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