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Serapis Bey Jan 15, 2017 message

"Dark energies will try to affect you to keep you distracted away from mission. Try to keep yourselves clear, do what you can to keep your vibration up. Stay the course, don’t let them keep you from your mission. I’m here to encourage you and to help you."

Don’t let dark energies block you from mission

4 of Pentacles

Sometimes, the Four of Pentacles can indicate an inflexible attitude that is resistant to change. You have already established a way of living that now works for you, so why change? Change appears to be a threat to your certainty, safety and security, and may place you at risk of losing all that is important to you. Any suggestion of doing things differently is therefore going to be met with resistance for fear of how it will impact your personal sense of security. Thus, you are more likely to favour tradition and tried-and-tested ways of doing things, rather than taking any risks at this point. The Four of Pentacles can also indicate a need to control your environment. You want to be in charge to ensure that your world does not get altered or changed, and as a result, you demand compliance and you insist on having things your way. You want to create order amidst the chaos, to bring a state of calm and stability back into your life. However, the downside is that you cannot always have things your way and you may prove to be too much for some, isolating yourself from friends or family.

7 of Swords

The Seven of Swords indicates that you may be tempted to sneak away from a particular situation that is not working for you any more, rather than dealing with it head on. As you do not feel ready to deal with the issues, you are aiming for a solution where you can just escape and not have to worry about it all. Are you trying to run away from commitment, responsibility, hard work or love? You may be procrastinating, letting problems slip and become worse because you do not want to deal with them. Sometimes you just have to face what has to be faced. So, the question is, “Is this realistic?” Will this ‘escape’ really accomplish what you want to and need to accomplish? Will it address the fundamental issues at hand here? The likely answer is no, and it may simply be an easy way out for now.

Serapis Bey also gave me these two Cards of Life Cards... I’ve never really looked at these before, but this may ring true for someone reading this channeled message.

9 of Diamonds

After lifetimes of collecting, creating and receiving, the Nine of Diamonds completes this cycle of its soul evolution through giving and releasing to others in this lifetime. The life lesson is to trust in the universal flow, an expression of the Neptune/Saturn placement in the Master Spirit Script. When the abundance of the universe is doubted, the letting go of material things can be a challenge. Aligning with trust in a benign universe and willingly letting go for the benefit of others allows for more to flow into life and thus is the higher expression of this card.

Relationships may be an area of many ups and downs for the Nine of Diamonds person. A Four of Hearts in Saturn suggests family challenges weigh heavily on their hearts. There may be a tendency to throw themselves into their work to balance the instability of the heart with the stability of a productive life.

4 of Hearts

Charming and charismatic, the Four of Hearts is a “people person” whose deep fulfillment comes from satisfying, close relationships both at home and at work. A natural empath, they are highly attuned to the emotional climate around them and tend to address the needs of others before their own. They are lovingly devoted and dedicated to others as a unique expression of their card. Co-dependency and loving control of others are a slippery slope for the Four of Hearts and learning to balance their needs with those of others can be a lifelong challenge.

People of this card and suit are here to experience life and themselves through feelings/emotions, art/beauty, children/youth, people/relationships, and love/marriage.

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