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Divine Masculine Reading Jan 27, 2017

"Hang in there, it is going to be okay. Stay true, you will get messages. Stay in your truth. There’s more to come, wait and see. Enjoy the mystery of life. Hold tight for the prize. “Make Love Not War”, as the popular saying goes (at this point I asked Serapis Bey if he was sure that’s what he wanted me to say... and he laughed and said yes, that he likes to laugh because it keeps the vibration high & I agreed with him). There’s a world of beauty out there, you just have to see it.

-Serapis Bey

I heard the birds sing this frosty morning & thought, “The birds still sing the praises of a new day even when it’s freezing cold”.- Andrea

••Okay, after my other channeled reading I got this Divine Masculine Reading. I’m going to list it exactly in the order I received them in. The images of the cards I saw were from the Rider-Waite-Smith Deck & since I am not completely familiar with the meanings of most of these cards, I will write down the intuitive interpretation I am getting for why these were chosen.

The Tower Card - The Hanged Man - The Two of Swords

The Tower Card - representing changes

My intuitive interpretation of why this card is chosen is to symbolize the way the old life is basically being destroyed in order for the new beginnings to come in. Veils on the mind are destroyed, revealing the truth that was hidden before... creating a feeling of chaotic upheaval to the life that existed before. Some were snuggled down in the comforts of having what they thought they wanted, some thought they were happy even though there was a feeling discontent looming inside of them. The new spiritual awakenings have torn apart the view of how life should look, it may even indicate the spirit side of us having arranged things being removed from our existing worlds we created for ourselves, loses of some sort that force one into change when they have stayed in a situation or lifestyle longer than was originally planned. The world as it was feel destroyed but will be worth the new riches that will grow in it’s place.

The Hanged Man - representing Waiting

It’s a suspended state of non-action, a time of contemplation, to reflect on the future decisions, but waiting to see if new ideas or insights become more clear. Sometimes not acting will help to shed more light on what other options are available to you and will allow more attractive opportunities to emerge. The Hanged Man can sometimes reflect that you are feeling stuck or restricted in your life. You need to get in touch with why you are feeling this way, and work to release yourself from these restrictions. In this way, the Hanged Man is also about letting go. You need an emotional release from whatever it is that is leaving you feeling stuck. Accept and surrender to your present circumstances. You may need to become more vulnerable and open to different experiences but this will help you end the struggle and give up your need for control. It is when you can really let go of all the worries and concerns that you have, that you find these concerns suddenly disappear and a new reality is possible.

The Two of Swords

Difficulty making decisions, could mean intentionally avoiding making decisions. Your conscience will eventually force you into facing your refusal to deal directly with the situation.

The Two of Swords serves as a reminder that life’s decisions are frequently quite difficult and raise the possibility of painful consequences. However, you must “take the bull by the horns” and make your decisions with your best intentions, fully aware of the possible consequences. Avoidance will ultimately lead to a greater conflict. Given the two swords in this card are in perfect balance as they cross the front of the woman, this card reflects the need for greater balance in your intellectual life. You need to take a break from your usual way of thinking, so that you can begin to consider alternative ideas and viewpoints. You also need to be very diplomatic and weigh up the pros and cons of both options that are available to you, and to consider that there may indeed be another way around the problem. You need to compromise or let things stand as they are.

*some of the information was intuitively guided excerpts from

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