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Serapis Bey Jan 27 message

This morning I heard Serapis Bey say “Are you ready?”.. then I saw 7 slender paintbrushes laid out flat, they were all varying colors, but the dark Yellow handled brush stood out & I saw a hand reach for it and begin to pick it up. Then I saw the 7 of diamonds card. He didn’t specify if this reading was directed at me or the collective so I’m assuming it’s for whomever ends up reading it. :-)

7 of Diamonds

“The card of Spiritual Values”.

"By suit, the Seven of Diamonds is always connected with finances. As a spiritual number, they must maintain a non-attached attitude about money or there will be continuous problems in this area. Once they put money in its proper place however, they often attain or inherit great wealth. Regardless, many of their life lessons will come through this avenue. The other avenue is their close relationships. Family, lovers and friends are all very important to the Seven of Diamonds person. They have close ties, for better or worse, with their family and share in their trials. They are usually restless, making frequent changes in either occupation or location.

Their love life usually entails sacrifice and disappointment until they learn to let others go and be as they are. In their spiritual studies they find inner satisfaction and validation for their own intuition. Once on the path, everything in their life is put into proper perspective and they can excel in any chosen field."

6 of Hearts

"The Peace Maker’s Card"

This is a card of harmony and stability in love and family. The Six of Hearts person is aware of the “law of love” and apply themselves to maintain stability in relationships. This stability can make for a satisfying life or one of monotony and boredom. It all depends upon how it is handled by the individual. They are somewhat fixed and dislike changes. Sometimes this can keep them in a relationship longer than necessary as they sort out their intentions and motives. They are usually successful and can apply their great mental power to most any area with success, in spite of occasional fears about not having enough.

They are here to settle karmic love debts, to forgive and forget and they can rise to the heights of spiritual awareness by their actions. They never get away with injuries to others and are well aware of that. As the card for Christmas, their lives are intended to be that of plenty and giving. It is here that they find happiness.

10 of Diamonds

"The Blessed Card"

THE card of material opulence. With so many blessings, you might expect them to be generous souls, but that is not always the case. Many of them simply direct these blessings to the acquisition of more money and some of them even become ruthless in this regard. Others, however, pay heed to their Queen of Clubs Karma Card, the Mother Mary card, and devote their talents and resources to helping the world. In this way they use their natural intuition and fulfill a desire for devotion and service.

With their creativity and intelligence, they are always successful in whatever they undertake. Usually this power is directed towards business and gain. Many of them inherit or marry into wealth. If they develop their spiritual awareness, their later years will be filled with expansion of their mind and soul instead of doubt and indecision.

Wow! I’ve not ever had much experience getting or reading cards from this kind of deck, so this is new to me... however it somehow seems to resonate when I read the descriptions... I don’t know why Serapis Bey chooses to use this method, I just go with what he is giving me and I feel blessed he trusts me to put this message out to the public. After I saw these cards I heard the name Marissa (as I saw the face of a woman named Marissa I used to work with long ago) but I had the thought it meant something more symbolic so when I looked up the name Marissa one of the meanings of the name is “little Mary” in reference to the Virgin Mary, who I often invoke during my energy clearings.

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