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So This IS mission....

Oh wow, I typed my short blog entry for this & the web page “reloaded” and I thought I lost all of it. I can only think I was supposed to go into deeper thought with the blog... haha. "Life has a funny way of helping us out.” (Alanis Morissette)

So, apparently when you are bringing in more light, it pushes the darkness up and out of you... this is the lesson I’ve been learning for many years, but it has only come to my conscious awareness since last year of what I’ve been doing this entire time. Some people call darkness coming out of you “purging”, I have often called it that too, usually afterwards when I realize what “THAT” was that just happened to me and made me feel like **** (insert expletive). The message was clear; when you are feeling the strongest emotions you’ve ever felt, when you feel miserable emotionally, when you are like I can’t take these feelings that are over whelming me, realize that you are on the verge of a breakthrough! Breath, do something to bring them up and release them into the sun to be transformed into energy that will help the Earth, (that’s the wish I always make for them), this won’t get rid of the original source of the feelings, but it will help lessen the hold it has on you in the moment. The more you fight your feelings and stuff them back down, the stronger your feelings will be the next time they come up to be released. If you don’t know how, dance your ass off to some of your favorite most hard core inspirational music you have access too to give you a slight break from the intensity and then do the wish for them to release, but don’t ignore what they are teaching you either. I’m not suggesting to do anything bad to anyone else or yourself. I’m suggesting to not ignore what your inner self is trying to show you, so you can clear yourself of the gunk that is blocking you from receiving love. Releasing might mean crying your eyes out during part of the process, so go somewhere that you feel safe and cry... then do something that will make you laugh like watching videos of carpool karaoke, or the dad that wears the Batman mask and makes videos of him giving his kids instructions. Be your own best therapist and best friend, you can do this for yourself, you don’t always need someone else to fix you.... but you do need to allow yourself to try and don’t mentally trick yourself into staying stuck by thinking you shouldn’t feel happiness, because you are feeling all these other emotions. At some point when you are feeling ready to face the original cause of your strong reactions and emotions, go do the Completion process by Teal Swan so you can address the true unconscious causes of our emotional misery.

My soul sister Angie and I have a video about some of our thoughts about purging if you are interested (check it out on our recorded videos page). But, I digress, I was watching Doreen Virtue’s Angel card reading this morning and had the desire to shuffle my angle answers cards by her, at the same time she was shuffling her cards. I love the way the oracle and tarot cards feel in my hands, the sounds they make when they shuffle... it puts a feeling in my mouth of ecstasy... that’s the only way I know how to describe it. Anyway, then I just got the message to do a small reading for twin flame collective.... and I saw "3 card reading", then 2 cards fell out while I was shuffling... then I saw "keep going", so I kept shuffling... "keep going", then another card fell out & I heard “there’s your reading”... so here it is.

Take Action; 'The time has come to take action. Your angels are waiting for you to take the next steps so they can assist you. In your heart you know what to do, Get Going! Be actively focused on the pursuit of what you want so you can overcome procrastination and uncertainty... for these things are representing lack of faith in your own self.

No Need to Worry; ‘Obsessing over a subject isn’t helpful. The energy of fear and worry only slows the manifesting of your desires. Keep your thoughts positive and visualize the happy outcome you desire.' Where your attention goes is the energy the universe acts upon for you.

Compromise; Sometimes ‘you will find it necessary to compromise. Allow yourself time to become clear about what is important to you.’ Work towards an agreement that will benefit everyone in some way. Don’t let others intimidate you into quitting because they don’t have your same vision. Follow your heart about what is best for everyone involved.

*based on intuitive interpretations of Doreen Virtues Angel Answers oracle cards ‘ indicates a direct or mostly direct quote from the Doreen’s interpretation of the cards.

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