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Union Taffy

Today I was thinking how I feel like I am Taffy on one of those taffy machines that stretches it and bends it and folds it before it’s ready for processing. The Taffy machine is the universe, doing it’s thing that it is supposed to do to my spirit, to get it ready for it’s next phase of transformation. Every day I feel like I am being Stretched and bent and worked over... well, okay, maybe it’s every couple of days sometimes.

For a while, I have been feeling squirmy every time I see someone put a video out proclaiming they know the answers to how everyone should handle their Twin Flame union or relationships. Yes, it’s true there are some basic spiritual truths about darkness and light, law of attraction, etc that many people have learned... and most of us agree those “truths” are helpful and useful to us to help us navigate our existence on Earth. But I have noticed an extreme amount of very opinionated people that seem to know all the Rules ever created to keep control over spirituality... for EVERYONE. It kind of reminds me of when I worked in the vitamin dept at a popular health food store and a lady came in proclaiming she was empowering herself by being there, wasn’t going to listen to her stupid doctors anymore, she actually gave quite a nice little speech to me for a few minutes about how she was taking back control over her health and life... then asked me, “now, tell me what I need to do, which product do I need to buy to get better?” I laughed, but she didn’t because she was being perfectly serious with me at that moment.

I’ve had other “Twin Flames” proclaim that certain other people are or aren’t “true” twin flames based on all the rules they have compiled into their life’s book of rules. I even had an ongoing back and forth with a few people at one time, when they were certain they believed the gossip about one surly twin flame teacher not truly being a twin because he has ego issues to work on, and was quite rude to many people and discouraged them. I pointed out that I thought the guy was just acting like an asshole know it all... which might be different than not being a twin flame. I also pointed out that how can any person prove to any other person who isn’t their actual twin flame, that they are a twin flame?Actually, by 3d laws of proving things in the physical world, I feel it would be virtually impossible to prove to someone else that you are actually a twin flame... unless you and your twin flame are the only 2 in that room and you are talking to them, and they are in a state of awareness enough to comprehend those parts of their true nature.

I know I run the risk of triggering some people by even addressing this issue within the twin flame community, because quite honestly I’ve come to realize that there are many twin flames that have opted to remain stuck in certain mindsets regarding their status as twin flames and they don’t much like to hear anyone create any doubts about the current belief systems that are floating around about who a twin flame is, and how it should look, what things they should say, and how they should act to be considered by others a “true twin flame”. I have heard many videos and read many twin flame theories and then I go within to contemplate what I’ve learned and what “resonates” with me based on where I am at currently. That’s the trick isn’t it, our perceptions exist on the level that we are capable of perceiving things.... and as we grow spiritually, we open up more and are able to comprehend more.

So, I guess my thoughts regarding this are; if you are at a different place in your perceptions about life, love, ego, and relationships, and you maybe don’t even know how you differ from others in the culture of how they were brought up or the tangled mess of their childhood belief systems, how could you possibly know or offer them anything other than gifts of healing energies to help them along their paths?... You can really only give to others an opinion about anything based on what your current perceptions are as a person bound by the rules and entrapments of the human condition. None of us are so advanced yet that we don’t have things to learn from our Earth Journey, otherwise there is a distinct possibility that we might choose to no longer be on Earth anyway. Yet somehow, there are people claiming to know ultimate truths about everything twin flame related and proclaiming they know if another person is a “true twin flame” or not. There are ways many of us have been gifted with reading energy or seeing into other dimensions, or one or some of the Claire’s, but it doesn’t mean we know the ultimate truth about any one person’s journey in these spiritual quests we have, and it’s a real possibility that we can easily be tricked by dark energies or by lack of being able to perceive certain aspects of someone else’s journey that could cause us to not have the whole spiritual picture in some way or another.

I’ve seen many people make videos with their very hard line about being twin flames and how it is and isn’t, and while I am watching them I am thinking “how embarrassing for them that they are going to go through this and end up having to change their story or their opinion later. Basically they may have to eat their own words after they realize not only did they not understand the full spectrum of what another persons journey entailed, or what the divine had planned for that person or that couple, but they didn’t even understand these things about their own journey. But I digress... I feel most of the people I see and hear are truly just trying to tell their journey and help others if possible... and some have made a business out of it in a way that has made them dependent on others needing their help in 3d. Angela and I have charges for our services, because quite frankly it takes a lot of energy and effort to sometimes stay up for hours all night with someone who is confused and wants to talk about the fact that they feel like not living in this horrible mess... and it takes a lot of energy afterwards to transmute and transform the energies we take on when doing readings and giving help to others... but neither of us have set ourselves up to depend on what little money we get once in a while for helping others & we quite often end up giving away most of our time for free because we want to help others when they need it... even at 3am when someone texts me in some sort of desperate need (i’m not advocating people text me at 3am... please, I need some sleep & that’s when some of the guides like to send me messages & upgrades anyway... lol) I think this journey requires quit a bit of lack of sleep at time and quite a strong constitution... for transmuting energies from others, whether it’s voluntary or involuntary. I just hope I permanently come out of this as a radiant light being with awesome giant wings, After the stretching and bending and twisting from the universe is done with.

Okay, anyway the taffy lecture

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